Talk 1: Formal Verification of Probabilistic Programs: Termination, Cost
Analysis and Sensitivity
Speaker: Hongfei Fu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Abstract: Formal verification is the study to ensure correctness of systems through
rigorous mathematical approaches. Probabilistic programs are classical programs
extended with random number generators that capture a large class of application
scenarios with probability, such as artificial intelligence, random walks, randomized
algorithms, stochastic systems, etc. Formal verification of probabilistic programs
aims at developing methodologies that can prove correctness of fundamental
probabilistic properties such as termination with probability one, expected resource
consumption, and expected sensitivity against slight perturbation of inputs, etc. In
the talk, I will introduce our theoretical results on verifying termination, cost and
sensitivity of probabilistic programs.
Bio: Dr. Hongfei Fu obtained his PhD at RWTH Aachen, supervised by Prof. JoostPieter Katoen. He is currently an assistant professor at John Hopcroft Center for
Computer Science, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His main research interest lies in
developing automated approaches for solving model-checking and programverification problems in the broad sense.
Talk 2: Input Selection In Interactive Program Synthesis
Speaker: Ruyi Ji (Peking University)
Abstract: Interactive program synthesis has been proposed to solve the ambiguity in
specifications. A typical form of interaction is input-output queries, where the
system queries with an input, and the developer provides the corresponding output.
However, existing systems usually randomly select the input, which may lead to
many more questions being asked than necessary. We address the input selection
problem in interactive program synthesis, and Our goal is to minimize the number of
queries to the user.
Bio: Ruyi Ji is a fourth-year undergraduate student in Peking Univerity, and he'll
continue studying at Peking University for a Ph.D. degree next year. He used to be a
contestant in competitive programming and has won one gold medal and one silver
medal in ICPC World Finals.