- Prof Yingfei Xiong receives the most influential paper award from MODELS 2021 2021-09-13
- Two papers were accepted at ESEC/FSE'21. 2021-06-14
- Han Xu's paper entitled "Analytical Differential Calculus with Integration" h... 2021-05-14
- Prof. Zhenjiang Hu Delivered a Keynote at APSEC 2020 2020-12-04
- Paper on Accelerating Programming by Examples at OOPSLA'20 2020-11-15
- Prof. Zhenjiang Hu is Elected as a Foreign Member of the Engineering Academy ... 2020-11-09
- ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at ESEC/FSE'20 2020-08-21
- Paper on Interactive Program Synthesis at PLDI'20 2020-06-28
- Paper on Detecting Floating-Point Errors at POPL'20 2020-01-28