One Paper of the Programming Language Research Laboratory were Accepted by POPL'25
Date:December 9, 2024 Source:Author:
POPL'25, a well-known conference in the field of programming languages, recently announced the list of accepted papers and one paper 'Biparsers: Exact Printing for Data Synchronisation' by the Programming Languages Lab was accepted. The detail of the paper is presented below.
Title: Biparsers: Exact Printing for Data Synchronisation
Authors: Ruifeng Xie, Tom Schrijvers, Zhenjiang Hu
Parsers and printers are vital for data synchronisation between different serialisation formats. As they are tightly related, much research has been devoted to showing that both can be derived from a single definition. It, however, turns out to be challenging to extend this work with exact-printing, which recovers the original source text for the parsed data. In this paper, we propose a new approach to tackling the challenge that considers a parser-printer pair as a mechanism to synchronize the input text string with the data, and formalizes them as a bidirectional program (lens). We propose the first biparser framework to support exact-printing with non-injective parsers, provide a library of combinators for common patterns, and demonstrate its usefulness with biparsers for subsets of JSON and YAML.