Ruyi Ji named as 2022 Microsoft Research PhD Fellow
Date:October 7, 2022 Source:Author:
Ruyi Ji, a 3rd-year Ph.D. student at the programming language research laboratory, is among the recipients of the Microsoft Ph.D. Fellowship for 2022. His advisors are Prof. Zhenjiang Hu and Prof. Yingfei Xiong.
His research is about program synthesis and currently focuses on synthesizing efficient programs. Compared to normal programs, an efficient program usually has a much larger scale and often involves more complex control structures, putting significant challenges to the scalability and generality of program synthesizers. To address these challenges, Ruyi Ji has finished a series of projects on scaling up program synthesis (mainly inductive synthesis) and is now working on utilizing algorithmic paradigms in program synthesis (such as divide-and-conquer and dynamic programming) to automatically perform algorithm-level optimizations.